

whats on your mind when you read that?

this one? ===>


or this one? ===>


both are hedgehog. Sonic The Hedgehog in cartoon world and hedgehog in real world.

okay, lets straight to the point. im not gonna talk about cartoon here. so yea, lets talk about hedgehog for pet. have you ever imagine to have that pet in your house? YES for me. but poor me, my mom doesnt allow me to have that kinda pet :(

maybe some of you thought that hedgehog = porcupine. thats wrong, totally wrong.
they're really different and unrelated. porcupine's fur is really pointed, prickly and so damn dangerous whereas hedgehog's fur coarse but isnt prickly.

nahh, look at that one, thats Porcupine. really different with hedgehog, right? geez that soo damn scary x(

isnt hard to taking care for hedgehog, they eat foods for hedgehog or you just can give them dry cat foods. but feed them just in 15mins then take the food countainer out for too fat hedgehog.
and about their 'home', just put that on comfortable place, warm and clean.

simple, right?

thats why i wanna have them soooooo baaaad!
at least one of them! geez anybody wanna buy me one, maybe??

and awh you should see this pict,

her name is Akeara

looks at her innocent face.
also her fur color.
superb cute!!
for god sake, i want hedgehog for my pet!

extremely hanker for that since year ago!

anyway, my bf allow me to have that one someday.. awwh xD i love him ♥♥♥

okaay, enough to share about my dream pet.. lol

see ya on my next post, blogwatchers!